I've been interviewing a lot this week which has taken a bit of a toll on me emotionally/mentally. Not to mention my poor appearance. Today I visited my parents after my last interview and my Mom asked me if I had looked in the mirror before I left the house. Apparently I am pale and sickly looking and my suit looked like it had been rolled in a ball before I put it on. Not sure exactly where it all went wrong because I swore when I left the house I looked like a pristine professional.
Anyway, I think I was just emotionally drained and it was written all over my ghostly face.
Good news though - I absolutely loved the last company I visited today. I just felt like the VP and I really jived and the HR woman and I seemed really comfortable with each other. I could see myself there. I won't get into details, as not to get too far ahead of myself, but there was a lot of room for growth at this place and that's what I'm looking for. I like to know I'm not stuck and that if I prove myself, I will be rewarded.
Anyway, I'm super psyched because I'm spending the weekend in St. Michael's with a group of my favorite high school friends. As I've explained before, I graduated from an all-girls school and I can't put into words the bond I formed with those I became close with. One in particular. The other two I feel like I've gotten closer with since we've graduated and I just need this time away. Sometimes a girl just needs her friends and I do not give myself enough time with other women.
I can't wait to gossip, laugh, reminisce and get some sun on this pasty skin. (And then go to my parent's house and show my mother my gorgeous glow). Hopefully upon my return I will have a job offer waiting for me so that I can divulge all details on this precious blog of mine.
Here's to a wonderful weekend coming up. One that I need. I'm such a homebody, I almost feel nervous at the thought of leaving my wretched apartment. How strange.
Have Fun!!! That picture looks like you, I thought it was you for a second babes!!