There was a time I wasn't this analytical
I didn't need to know
why and how and where it was all going
If you told me it was all going to be okay
I'd believe you -
without question
But that stopped working
Because so much wasn't okay
I felt lied to
Where was truth?
I tried constructing my own
which was even worse
Disastrous, my mind is
at finding reality
Instead it dreamed of life as a circus
and I, the ring leader
orchestrating it all
But I wasn't.
Again, I felt lied to
this time by my own mind
So here I am
I don't trust you
I don't trust me
What then do I trust?
I sometimes find this little voice
inside my heart
It tells me to let it be
Let life show you what's real, it says
And it's powerful when it says that
Let it unfold
in its own time
like the flowers you so often admire
Their petals are at first so tightly packed
protecting the stamen from damage
until the stamen tells them it's okay to open
up to the world
up to the sun
allow light in
sometimes damage
but they're ready for thisThey unfurl, extending
until they fall
Off their flower
To the floor
Some give themselves to the wind
Or to a child's hand
A dog's mouth even
They don't seem to fight it -
the truth of their existence
Perhaps they know that while they were opened, they were admired
loved even
loved even
They had a purpose
"Stop questioning!
Allow your petals to open, extend,
Allow admiration and love
Allow admiration and love
Give what you can, when you can
until the end of your time."
This is what that voice tells me
This power inside that I've just begun to touch and listen to
Time is not mine
The voice is it
Truth, reality
And today, fine
Tomorrow I may begin questioning again
Where and how and why
But today, fine
I'll give the truth a chance
The voice is it
Truth, reality
And today, fine
Tomorrow I may begin questioning again
Where and how and why
But today, fine
I'll give the truth a chance
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